Kendriya Vidyalaya, Rameswaram, is a co-educational institution administered by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. This school was established based on the approval of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, with post facto approval granted on 16th June 2006.
The school commenced its journey on 16th December 2003 with a humble beginning of just 12 students in a rented building. Despite the limited resources, the foundation was laid with a vision to provide quality education and foster all-around development in students.
Milestones of Growth:
2003-04: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Rameswaram, was established and started functioning with only 12 students in a rented facility.
2009-10: The school witnessed significant growth and expanded to include classes up to Class X, catering to the increasing demand for quality education in the region.
Current Status:
The school has undergone gradual expansion over the years, both in terms of infrastructure and student enrollment. The construction of a new school building is currently in progress, which promises to provide enhanced facilities and a better learning environment for the students. The development of this new campus marks a significant milestone in the history of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Rameswaram, indicating its steady progress and commitment to educational excellence.
Contact Information
For further details, you can reach us at:
Office Phone No: 04573-221909
We aim to continue our journey of providing quality education and contributing to the holistic development of our students. The Kendriya Vidyalaya, Rameswaram, looks forward to many more years of growth and success, driven by our commitment to academic excellence and student welfare.